Thank You For Being Such A Vital Part Of Our Team, Sherri T. We Look Forward To Sharing More About You So Others Can Get To Know You Better!
Tell us a bit about your backstory and what led you down your current life path.
I am the daughter of a Marine, which meant we moved often, teaching me to make friends wherever I went. My second husband passed away unexpectedly at 35, leaving me devastated and raising two children on my own. I’ve always found the strength to pick myself up after life’s challenges. After being laid off from a 13-year job during the 2001 economic downturn, I became a teacher, a role I embraced for nine years before transitioning to become an educational diagnostician.
What or who inspired you to pursue your career?
My father motivated me to keep pushing forward. I found myself in teaching out of necessity, and my students inspired me to pursue my Master’s degree. Two students, in particular, sparked my interest in Special Education and becoming an Educational Diagnostician. After retiring, I missed the time spent with students, which led me to start tutoring.
What is one thing you are most proud of achieving in your life?
I take great pride in raising my two sons primarily as a single parent. They have grown into remarkable young men. One runs his own business and is raising two wonderful children with his wife, while the other is a nurse dedicated to saving lives. He and his wife have blessed me with three beautiful grandchildren.
None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
In truth, I’ve received very little help on my journey to where I am today. When asked, “You don’t make much money—how do you get by?” I simply reply, “I do what I have to do.”
What do you enjoy most about teaching/tutoring?
I love making a difference in a child’s life. What drives me is witnessing that “Aha moment” when a child finally grasps a concept they’ve struggled with for so long. I also cherish the moments when a child says, “No, I want to keep going!” as our time together ends.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my husband and grandchildren. I also love crocheting and have recently started making Amigurumi toys for them. Seeing their reactions when they receive something new brings me so much joy.

Describe an amazing trip you took. Where did you go and what did you enjoy most?
I love visiting Disneyland and will go even on my own if I can’t find someone to join me. However, I’m excited to explore more of the world once I fully retire.
If you were granted three wishes, what would they be and why?
If I had three wishes, my first would be for world peace—I know it sounds cliché, but it would truly make life better. My second wish would be for good health for all my family and friends (including myself, of course). Lastly, I’d wish for the means to travel and enjoy the rest of my life.
Please share your favorite life lesson quote. How is it relevant to your life?
My favorite quote is, “All it takes is faith and trust.” At this stage in my life, as things start to fail, I hold onto the belief that everything will be okay.