Thank You For Being Such A Vital Part Of Our Team, Sara Brown. We Look Forward To Sharing More About You So Others Can Get To Know You Better!
Tell us a bit about your backstory and what led you down your current life path.
I’m a curious person and fell in love with life during college. Initially, I pursued nursing but realized it wasn’t my passion. After taking time off for family and work, I returned to college for a Psychology degree. Missing the Psychology program deadline, I ended up in Sociology and discovered my purpose in Sociological inquiry. Completing my undergrad, I was encouraged to pursue research and teaching. Accepted into a PhD program, I moved across the country before the COVID shutdown. Despite challenges, I’m resilient in my journey to open a nonprofit, helping people detox from trauma and acquire skills for homeownership. This path taught me to trust the process and seize opportunities.
What or who inspired you to pursue your major/career?
I was inspired to obtain my PhD in Sociology, become a professor and researcher, eventually opening a non-profit for “trauma detox” in 2017 after my children were born. At the time, I was working on my BA in Psychology and was reflecting on how I could make this world better for them. Obviously, the external world is out of my control, so I asked the Universe to guide me in this pursuit. My own childhood trauma was an inspiration after I begun graduate school in 2020 and started learning more about social inequalities, the cycles of intergenerational trauma, and how those circumstances lead to parents continuing them. I wanted to be a different kind of parent than the parents I had, and have sought since then, to learn all I could about trauma in communities and how I could contribute to helping others break those chains.
What is one thing you are proud of achieving in your life?
I am proud of being the first in my family to graduate from college and continue to pursue my goals. Growing up, I was not encouraged to go to college—it was “Plan B”, and my family was unable to help me pay for college or prepare academically. On top of that, I have ADHD and suffer from symptoms of C-PTSD; I was unsure I would be successful in college and often felt like it was me against the world. Gratefully, I graduated with my BA as a high-achieving student while being a mother of three children under the age of 4. Since completing my degree, I have faced many adversities with resilience and determination to fulfill my purpose on this earth.

What keeps you motivated? What maintains your passion for and commitment to the work you are doing?
I was born a motivated and determined person who used to funnel that energy in unhealthy ways. Currently, thinking about healing my inner child and providing a better, healthier environment for my children keeps me motivated to learn, grow, and contribute to the world around me. I know that today, I am not alone in this journey and that healing is possible. Further, every time I drive in a neighborhood with people experiencing homelessness, I think about my goals and calling to use my talents and privilege to help others realize their worth and let go of generational patterns.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
Grateful for my friend Andrew, met in 2020 during my PhD program. Despite a tumultuous 2021, including divorce, custody battle, and more, Andrew remained a supportive and balanced friend. He encouraged my research and professorship pursuits, seeing value in me personally and professionally. Andrew has been instrumental, providing Letters of Recommendation, sharing research ideas, and offering feedback on projects.
Why did you choose to be an intern for Educate. Radiate. Elevate.?
The internship at Educate.Radiate.Elevate caught my attention because of the mission and vision for positively contributing to community equity. I have done much research within families, effects of incarceration on children, especially Black and brown children, and how generational poverty and undereducation affect the likelihood of incarceration in adulthood. Also, the opportunity to gain experience writing grant requests will be crucial for my own nonprofit’s future. Finally, all children deserve opportunities for success, and it is a blessing to have the skills to contribute to this purpose with a team of like-minded, passionate individuals.
What about the Educate. Radiate. Elevate.’s Purpose, Mission, and Core Values speaks most to you and why?
E.R.E.’s core values speak to me and resonate with my life’s purpose, especially the comprehensive (holistic) approach to learning, cultural responsiveness, and community partnership. Based on the research I have done and my personal life experiences with adversities, these three values have proven effective with closing achievement and opportunity gaps. Community is important; without it, we humans cannot thrive. It is inspiring that Educate.Radiate.Elevate offers high-quality tutoring to children that historically have fallen through society’s cracks. Likewise, it is exciting to think about the possibilities of the future as historical problems are met with modern solutions apart from scholarly “car window” theorizing— Lindsey and her team are taking real action in an impressive way.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering?
I’ve been an active volunteer for about 20 years, aligning my volunteer work with my current job. From senior activities to mental health advocacy, my volunteering has evolved. Currently, I’m a consultant for a non-profit on human and sex trafficking, providing in-person training on trauma-informed care. What I love most is the sense of doing something impactful for my community and serving others passionately without expecting anything in return.
Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? What is it and why did it resonate with you?
The most impactful book for me is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The agreements (1. Be impeccable with your word, 2. Don’t take anything personally, 3. Don’t make assumptions, 4. Always do your best) provide a foundation for peace and balance. Applying them has improved my relationships, reduced self-centered thinking, and brought more peace to my life. They offer simple yet powerful guidance in navigating challenges and maintaining harmony within and with the world.
Please share your favorite Life Lesson quote. How is it relevant to your life?
Love Auguste Comte’s quote: “The truest wisdom is a resolute determination to follow the best course open to us, regardless of the consequences.” It resonates with my journey of choosing authenticity over conformity. Despite societal expectations, I’ve found self-respect, self-love, and peace by being true to myself. Embracing this path, I am determined to prioritize wisdom and authenticity, regardless of others’ opinions.
Is there a person in the world with whom you would love to have a private lunch and why? He/she might just see this! 🙂
I admire Drake’s poetic lyrics and how he addresses universal topics in his rap. From following his career since Degrassi, I’d love a private lunch with him to discuss his poetry, thoughts, and share laughs. We both have kids the same age, and I’m eager to talk about parenting. Most importantly, I want to express gratitude for his music that provided hope during a tough time, possibly even saving my life.