Thank You For Being Such A Vital Part Of Our Team, Libby Williams. We Look Forward To Sharing More About You So Others Can Get To Know You Better!
What or who inspired you to pursue your major/career?
When I got to college, I wasn’t sure what career I wanted to pursue. I loved writing, but I preferred research papers and persuasive essays to writing fiction. I didn’t know what kind of jobs that left me, so I decided to research different kinds of professional writing. When I came across grant writing, it seemed like the perfect fit. I’ve been interested in activism since I was a teenager, and this felt like a way I could follow my passion for writing while also making a positive impact.
What is one thing you are proud of achieving in your life?
I’m proud of teaching myself how to draw. When I was a child, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. Unfortunately, I had an art teacher who was very critical, and I gave up on drawing all together in early middle school. Around 15 or 16, I kept seeing all of this beautiful art online, and I decided I wanted to try again. It was discouraging at first, because none of my drawing turned out how I imagined them, but I kept at it. I steadily improved over the years, and now I’m a fairly decent artist. I even made a website dedicated to my art and learning how to draw for a college class on digital rhetoric and design, and I got a lot of compliments on it. I’d like to think that my younger self would be happy with the progress I’ve made.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?are doing?
While I’ve always enjoyed writing, I didn’t think I was particularly good at it. That was until my high school English teacher emailed my parents praising an essay I had written and telling them I had a lot of potential as a writer. This boosted my confidence, and prompted me to take writing more seriously. She was also always willing to look over my writing when I asked. If it weren’t for her, I probably wouldn’t have ever pursued an English degree.

Is there something exciting you are working on now? What is it and why did you choose to start it?
I’m working on writing a book of poetry. Poetry is one of my favorite genres, and I’ve written a lot of it over the years, mostly as a form of self-expression. While this project is just for fun, I’m hoping it will improve my communication and creative writing skills. It would also just be cool to say I’ve written a book!
Share one professional development goal and one personal goal you have for the upcoming year.
In terms of professional development, I hope to develop my grant writing skills. It can take time to become comfortable with a new style of writing, but by the end of this year I hope to be confident in my ability to write grant proposals. In terms of personal goals, I want to become involved with my community. I’m moving soon, and this will be the first time I’ve ever lived outside of my home state. I’d like to start this transition on a good note by volunteering and getting to know those around me.
Why did you choose to be an intern for Educate. Radiate. Elevate.?
I chose to apply for an internship at E.R.E. because their mission resonates with me. Education has had a huge impact on my life. It’s improved my confidence, given me opportunities to explore topics that interest me, and helped me discover what I’m passionate about. I appreciate that E.R.E is trying to make sure everyone has these opportunities, regardless of their socioeconomic status. I’m excited to work with them on making education more equitable and closing the educational achievement gap.
What about the Educate. Radiate. Elevate.’s Purpose, Mission, and Core Values speaks most to you and why?
I appreciate E.R.E.’s commitment to educational equity. Education is not one size fits all. Students have different needs when it comes to learning, and having teachers that recognize that makes a huge difference. I also love that E.R.E. not only focuses on academic gains, but on developing soft skills and social emotional learning. It shows that they really care about the students as individuals and setting them up for success in their personal lives.
What do you like to do in your free time?
My favorite things to do are making music and creating art. I’ve played piano for about sixteen years, and I love making arrangements of my favorite songs. I’ve also taught myself some guitar and ukulele. In terms of visual art, I’ve dabbled in a lot of different forms. I mostly stick to drawing, but occasionally I also like to paint portraits using watercolors or acrylic gouache.
The road to success is difficult and requires tremendous dedication. What advice would you give to a young person who aspires to follow in your footsteps and emulate your success?
Become comfortable with failure. That might sound a little strange, but a lot of times when learning a new skill or pursuing career opportunities, the first few tries won’t be successful. It can be easy to get bogged down by feelings of discouragement and convince yourself that you just aren’t cut out for whatever it is that you want to do. However, if you can accept that failure is a necessary part of the learning process, it makes it easier to pick yourself up and try again. It can also make you more adaptable and willing to think outside the box.
Please share your favorite life lesson quote. How is it relevant to your life?
My favorite life lesson quote is Oprah Winfrey’s “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” This quote reminds me that, if I truly want to experience everything that life has to offer, I have to push myself outside of my comfort zone. While the end result might not always be what I hoped for, I’m always better off having tried than spending the rest of my life questioning what might have been. This idea has definitely helped me in being more confident and getting more out of life.