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Professional Volunteer Spotlight on Yesenia Zavala

Thank You For Being Such A Vital Part Of Our Team, Yesenia! We Look Forward To Sharing More About You So Others Can Get To Know You Better!

What or who inspired you to pursue your major/career?

My second-grade teacher was the 1st person who ever asked me what I wanted to be, and I knew then at that moment it was to teach, just like her. I tutored while working towards my Bachelor’s degree with Upward Bound. I realized then I enjoyed working with teens the most and decided that was the age level I would work with. I had great teachers throughout all the grade levels and just wanted to be like them all.

What is one thing you are most proud of achieving in your life?

One thing I am proud of achieving is graduating from college, as I was the 1st in my family to do so. It was not easy in the slightest, as I am also a 1st generation American. Having parents with not much education in a new country and still learning the ropes of being an American was tough at times, but they pushed and guided my sisters and me as much as they could. I’m glad that even if they couldn’t help me with math homework or English, they would do their best to find someone to help me. So, receiving my college diploma with honors was an incredibly memorable feat that I will always thank them for.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

My neighbor, Mrs. Rosie. She was my 1st tutor, that I think of often and am so grateful for. Being an ESL student in a school district with only 1 ESL program in the entire district (and parents who still hadn’t mastered English) was incredibly difficult, but she helped me every evening when I needed help with any assignment. She would always have a glass of sweet tea and patience to translate and help me. I remember feeling such relief every time I went home with my homework completed after she helped me.

Yesenia Zavala

Why did you choose to be a professional volunteer for Educate. Radiate. Elevate.?

I was asked after there was a need for a translator. I am glad to do so, as I have the time and knowledge to be fluent in both English and Spanish. I am currently learning a 3rd language and hopefully a 4th after mastering Italian. Every time I see a person in need of help in either English or Spanish, I will help as I know exactly how it is to be unable to communicate fully. I am grateful to my parents for having chosen to teach my sisters and me their native language.

What about the Educate. Radiate. Elevate.’s Purpose, Mission, and Core Values speaks most to you and why?

What speaks to me most about Educate. Radiate. Elevate. is their mission in which a quality education should not be bound to just a specific demographic. A quality education should be for everyone. The disproportion of quality education in the US is unfortunate and should not be allowed. So, to be able to help Educate. Radiate. Elevate., which is actively doing something around the country, is great to be a part of. I have always believed that ALL children can do great things with a great education, as they all deserve it.

Tell about an amazing trip you took. Where did you go and what did you enjoy most?

In 2015, I went to Peru for six weeks in November of that year. I met with some friends I had been connected with years prior. I was able to travel to Cuzco and also Machu Picchu which was a desire of mine for many years. Being there was truly a wonderful and breathtaking experience. I met many great people and learned so much more about the Inca culture from a 1st person perspective.

What do you like to do in your free time?

There are two things I like to do in my free time: crochet and collect 45 records of soul music. My mother taught me how to crochet as a child, but grew impatient with it and discovered it again during quarantine. I haven’t stopped since and have been able to create many things like blankets and sweaters for various people I love. Crocheting has helped me destress.     

I love soul music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I like to learn about songs I haven’t heard and their singers, and have collected these 45 rpm vinyl records since 2010. I have quite a big collection as I travel across the US and the world to learn about most of these unknown artists and record labels. My partner and I have about 11,000 45s.

Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? What is it and why did it resonate with you?

A book that I love fondly to this day is the 1st chapter book I ever read on my own, “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,” by Judy Blume. As an ESL student, this book impacted me because I read it all by myself (slowly with a dictionary and highlighter in hand), and I felt so accomplished after reading it. There was a feeling that I never wanted to go away, and my mom knew, so she took me to our local library to get me a library card. I felt so invincible after that, and my local library became a 2nd home to me during elementary as I would check many books out or stay there and cuddle up in a corner with my books in hand. This book made me discover my love for reading.

The road to success is difficult and requires tremendous dedication. What advice would you give to a young person who aspires to follow in your footsteps and emulate your success? 

The advice I have given and always stand by is never to give up. The road to success is not easy, so it is also okay to ask for help when needed. Network. I have always told my students to network as much as they can because you never know if you may need someone’s help in the future or vice versa. And to read and read about everything and anything. Read about things you like or don’t understand fully. Reading is fundamental to growth.

Is there a person in the world with whom you would love to have a private lunch and why? He/she might just see this! 🙂

Michelle Obama. I would love to sit and knit or crochet instead of having lunch with her while also talking to her about her life. Ever since I found out she knits, I have been in awe of her even more as I also knit and crochet. Having read her most recent book, “The Light We Carry,” and seeing how, with knitting, the same can be applied in life where if we tackle tasks little by little, we can have a grand result in the end. I would also ask her to help me with my knitting as crochet is my forté. 🙂

Thanks, Yesenia! We Are So Lucky To Have You On The Team!

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